Tag: high school sports

  • Summer Slump or Summer Strong? Benefits of Sports in Summer

    Summer Slump or Summer Strong? Benefits of Sports in Summer

    School’s out, the sun is shining – summer vacation! A period of rejuvenation, including flexible schedules and potential opportunities for extended sleep, becomes a hallmark of summer vacation. But for athletes, the question arises: summer sports or summer slump? While some crave a complete break, others see summer as a prime training opportunity. So, what are the real benefits of sticking with sports…

  • The Game Changer: How Sports Can Impact Your Life

    The Game Changer: How Sports Can Impact Your Life

    Sports. They’re a global phenomenon, bringing people together to cheer, compete, and witness feats of athleticism. But beyond the roar of the crowd and the thrill of victory, sports offer a surprising array of benefits that extend far beyond the playing field. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete, a weekend warrior, or someone just considering lacing up their sneakers, understanding how sports can impact your…

  • Time Management Tips From a Sports Mental Therapist to Win

    Time Management Tips From a Sports Mental Therapist to Win

    Between schoolwork, practices, games, and maybe even a social life, being a student-athlete is no easy feat.  But there’s good news! Just like you train your body for peak performance, you can train your mind to master time management skills. In this regard, a sports mental therapist can be a valuable asset in your pursuit of optimal time management. The Juggle…

  • Youth Sports: Providing Lifelong Benefits

    Youth Sports: Providing Lifelong Benefits

    As a parent, you want what’s best for your child’s health and development. You might be wondering if enrolling them in a sport is a good idea.  Sure, it’s fun and builds teamwork, but are there lasting benefits beyond the cheers and trophies? Absolutely! Playing a sport as a young adult offers a surprising range of physical advantages that extend…

  • Let Us Describe How Sports Benefit Those Who Participate

    Let Us Describe How Sports Benefit Those Who Participate

    So you’re curious about the benefits of sports participation? Welcome to the winning team! Whether you’re considering joining a recreational league, dusting off your old equipment, or encouraging your child to get involved, sports offer a wealth of advantages that extend far beyond the scoreboard. At Launch Sports Performance in Tulsa, Oklahoma, we’re passionate about…

  • Winning in the Long Run: The Lifelong Benefits of Sports

    Winning in the Long Run: The Lifelong Benefits of Sports

    Is your child constantly asking for a ride to practice? Do early morning games feel like a chore for the whole family? If you’ve ever questioned the value of youth sports, you’re not alone. While trophies and championships are exciting, the true “wins” often lie beyond the scoreboard. Here at Launch Sports Performance, we’re passionate…

  • Beyond A Win: The Positive Effects of Sports for Your Child

    Beyond A Win: The Positive Effects of Sports for Your Child

    As parents, we want the best for our children. We want them to be happy, healthy, and successful in all aspects of life. And while academics and good character are important, there’s another factor that can play a significant role in their development: sports. The benefits of sports far outweigh the physical outcomes. Beyond the…

  • Mindset for the New Year with Sports Psychology

    Mindset for the New Year with Sports Psychology

    The confetti rains down, the fireworks explode, and we usher in another year. Every December 31st feels like a blank slate. A fresh opportunity presents itself to paint our aspirations onto the canvas of time. But before we sprint into 2024 goals-first, let’s take a moment to pause, not just physically, but mentally. To achieve…

  • Holiday Cheer or Holiday Blues? Mental Health in Athletes

    Holiday Cheer or Holiday Blues? Mental Health in Athletes

    The holiday season. Tinsel twinkles, carols jingle, and family feasts fuel festive smiles. But for many athletes, the holidays aren’t always filled with sugar plums and sweet treats. It may surprise you to learn about how many athletes suffer from mental health issues. Beneath the cheer can lurk a silent struggle: the pressure of performance,…

  • Launch Sports Performance: Tulsa’s Sports Psychology Experts

    Launch Sports Performance: Tulsa’s Sports Psychology Experts

    As an athlete, you know that mental toughness is just as important as physical strength and skill. When you’re injured, it can be difficult to stay positive and motivated. But that’s where a sports psychologist can help. Launch Sports Performance in Tulsa, OK is a team of experienced sports psychologists who can help you overcome…