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  • A sports psychologist talks with a baseball player in uniform on the field.

    Local Sports Psychologist: Beyond the Pros in Tulsa

    These situations highlight the mental side of sports, a side that’s often overlooked. But what if you’re not a pro athlete? Can a sports psychologist still help you? Absolutely! Here in Tulsa, local sports psychologists are ready to work with athletes of all ages and skill levels. Forget the stereotype of them only working with superstars. Think of them like mental coaches, helping…

  • Five girl soccer players in white jerseys stand together smiling. The girl in the middle is holding the soccer ball.

    Winning in the Long Run: The Lifelong Benefits of Sports

    Is your child constantly asking for a ride to practice? Do early morning games feel like a chore for the whole family? If you’ve ever questioned the value of youth sports, you’re not alone. While trophies and championships are exciting, the true “wins” often lie beyond the scoreboard. Here at Launch Sports Performance, we’re passionate…

  • Sports Psychologist and Mental Game Coach on the field with players.

    Beyond the Game: Decoding “What is a Sports Psychologist”

    So you’re into sports, maybe even play competitively yourself. You’ve heard whispers of a mysterious figure lurking on the sidelines – the sports psychologist. But what exactly does a sports psychologist do?  Is it all about analyzing Freud on the pitcher’s mound? Not quite.  In reality, sports psychology is a fascinating field that delves into…

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  • A coach talks with the team surrounding him.

    The Mental Edge: Is Sports Psychology for All Athletes?

    Ever missed a free throw at a crucial moment? Felt paralyzed by nerves before a big game? Struggled to stay motivated during grueling training sessions?  If you answered yes to any of these, you’re not alone.  The mental aspect of sports is just as important as physical skills and training.  This is where sports psychology…

  • Teenage male athlete sits in the bleachers alone.

    Supporting Your Student Athlete’s Mental Health

    Being a student athlete in high school is tough these days. Balancing schoolwork, practices, games, and social life can feel like a constant juggling act.  If you’ve noticed your young athlete seems stressed, anxious, or withdrawn, you’re not alone.  Student athletes face unique pressures that can take a toll on their mental well-being.  Launch Sports…

  • Male Coach teaching young soccer students strategy.

    Develop a Winning Mindset with a Mental Performance Coach

    Ever stepped onto the field, court, or track feeling like you just couldn’t quite click? You’ve trained hard, you know the plays, but something’s holding you back. Maybe it’s nerves, self-doubt, or that nagging voice in your head telling you you’re not good enough. This, my friend, is where the power of a winning mindset…

  • Woman running in a marathon, staying in focus.

    Laser Focus in Sports: Mastering Concentration

    Laser Focus in Sports: Mastering Concentration Imagine this: the game is tied, seconds tick away on the clock, and you have the chance to win it all. But your mind is racing.  Thoughts swirl –  the opponent’s strengths, the potential consequences of a mistake, the cheers of the crowd – all blurring your focus on…

  • Woman in a lime green jacket holding her hands up and breathing deeply in

    A Mental Game: Decoding Sports Psychology for Young Athletes

    Many athletes experience a surge of pre-competition anxiety, often referred to as “butterflies,” which can negatively impact performance during critical moments like free throws. But what if you could use your mind to become a stronger, more confident athlete?  That’s where sports psychology comes in! Think of it like this: you train your body for…

  • People putting their hands together in celebration.

    Beyond Technique: Sports Psychology Definition

    The athletic world thrives on physical prowess, strategic plays, and unwavering dedication. But have you ever considered the mental game that plays such a crucial role in an athlete’s success? This is where sports psychology steps in, offering a fascinating and powerful approach to enhancing performance and mental well-being. Maybe you’re just heard about this…

  • A Group of Teen Male basketball players putting their hands together in the air in joy.

    Level Up: Search ‘Sports Psychology Near Me’ for New Heights

    Have you ever felt the pressure of competition holding you back from reaching your full potential? Perhaps you struggle with pre-game jitters, lose focus during crucial moments, or haven’t quite achieved the results you know you’re capable of. If so, you’re not alone. Many athletes, whether professional or recreational, face mental hurdles that can hinder…

  • Group of boys smiling and huddling together, in soccer uniforms

    Beyond the Scoreboard: How Do Sports Improve Mental Health?

    For athletes in Tulsa, the thrill of competition, the camaraderie of teammates, and the pursuit of victory fuel their passion. But the impact of sports goes far beyond trophies and winning streaks. It plays a crucial role in shaping mental well-being, building resilience, and fostering personal growth. So, parents and athletes, have you considered the…