Category: Uncategorized

  • The Game Changer: How Sports Can Impact Your Life

    The Game Changer: How Sports Can Impact Your Life

    Sports. They’re a global phenomenon, bringing people together to cheer, compete, and witness feats of athleticism. But beyond the roar of the crowd and the thrill of victory, sports offer a surprising array of benefits that extend far beyond the playing field. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete, a weekend warrior, or someone just considering lacing up their sneakers, understanding how sports can impact your…

  • Time Management Tips From a Sports Mental Therapist to Win

    Time Management Tips From a Sports Mental Therapist to Win

    Between schoolwork, practices, games, and maybe even a social life, being a student-athlete is no easy feat.  But there’s good news! Just like you train your body for peak performance, you can train your mind to master time management skills. In this regard, a sports mental therapist can be a valuable asset in your pursuit of optimal time management. The Juggle…

  • The Mind Game: Psychology in Sports and Exercise

    The Mind Game: Psychology in Sports and Exercise

    Imagine a star athlete stepping up to the free throw line with the game on the line. Their heart is pounding, their palms are sweaty, and the crowd’s roar fills their ears.  But they take a deep breath, focus on the rim, and sink the shot. What separates this athlete from cracking under pressure? It could be the power of sport and…

  • Youth Sports: Providing Lifelong Benefits

    Youth Sports: Providing Lifelong Benefits

    As a parent, you want what’s best for your child’s health and development. You might be wondering if enrolling them in a sport is a good idea.  Sure, it’s fun and builds teamwork, but are there lasting benefits beyond the cheers and trophies? Absolutely! Playing a sport as a young adult offers a surprising range of physical advantages that extend…

  • Mental Edge: Understanding Therapists for Athletes

    Mental Edge: Understanding Therapists for Athletes

    The world of athletics is demanding. Athletes train relentlessly, pushing their bodies and minds to peak performance. While physical training is crucial, mental well-being also plays a critical role in achieving success.  That’s where therapists for athletes come in. These specialized professionals provide support to help athletes navigate the mental and emotional challenges unique to their competitive world. What…

  • Winning the Battle in the Mental Health of Athletes

    Winning the Battle in the Mental Health of Athletes

    The world of athletics is a demanding arena. Athletes push their bodies and minds to the limit, striving for personal bests and victories. While physical training is crucial, mental health is equally important. Just like any muscle, the mind needs to be trained and cared for to perform at its peak. This blog is dedicated to all athletes, young and old, who want…

  • Let Us Describe How Sports Benefit Those Who Participate

    Let Us Describe How Sports Benefit Those Who Participate

    So you’re curious about the benefits of sports participation? Welcome to the winning team! Whether you’re considering joining a recreational league, dusting off your old equipment, or encouraging your child to get involved, sports offer a wealth of advantages that extend far beyond the scoreboard. At Launch Sports Performance in Tulsa, Oklahoma, we’re passionate about…

  • Local Sports Psychologist: Beyond the Pros in Tulsa

    Local Sports Psychologist: Beyond the Pros in Tulsa

    These situations highlight the mental side of sports, a side that’s often overlooked. But what if you’re not a pro athlete? Can a sports psychologist still help you? Absolutely! Here in Tulsa, local sports psychologists are ready to work with athletes of all ages and skill levels. Forget the stereotype of them only working with superstars. Think of them like mental coaches, helping…

  • Winning in the Long Run: The Lifelong Benefits of Sports

    Winning in the Long Run: The Lifelong Benefits of Sports

    Is your child constantly asking for a ride to practice? Do early morning games feel like a chore for the whole family? If you’ve ever questioned the value of youth sports, you’re not alone. While trophies and championships are exciting, the true “wins” often lie beyond the scoreboard. Here at Launch Sports Performance, we’re passionate…

  • Beyond the Game: Decoding “What is a Sports Psychologist”

    Beyond the Game: Decoding “What is a Sports Psychologist”

    So you’re into sports, maybe even play competitively yourself. You’ve heard whispers of a mysterious figure lurking on the sidelines – the sports psychologist. But what exactly does a sports psychologist do?  Is it all about analyzing Freud on the pitcher’s mound? Not quite.  In reality, sports psychology is a fascinating field that delves into…