A coach speaks with her nervous-looking team on the basketball court.

Overcoming Sports Anxiety:Boost Confidence and Performance

How Athletes in Tulsa Can Perform Their Best

Whether it’s the night before a big game or right before a key moment in the competition, many athletes experience a common challenge in overcoming sports anxiety. The butterflies in your stomach, racing thoughts, and self-doubt can get in the way of what could be a great performance.

While some nerves are normal, sports anxiety can negatively impact an athlete’s ability to perform to their potential. In Tulsa, athletes and their parents are recognizing the importance of addressing this issue, and Launch Sports Performance is here to help athletes overcome these mental hurdles.

In this blog, we will explore what sports anxiety is, the reasons it occurs, and, most importantly, how athletes can overcome it. Along the way, we’ll highlight why working with the professionals at Launch Sports Performance can make a difference in overcoming sports anxiety.

What is Sports Anxiety?

Sports anxiety, also known as performance anxiety, happens when the pressure to succeed overwhelms an athlete’s ability to perform calmly and confidently. It’s common in athletes of all levels, whether they are high school players or college athletes in the Tulsa area. While feeling some nervousness before a game is normal, sports anxiety goes beyond that. It can cause mental and physical symptoms such as:

– Racing thoughts and excessive worry

– Difficulty concentrating

– Sweaty palms, rapid heartbeat, or nausea

– Muscle tension or shaking

– Fear of failure or making mistakes

When these symptoms take over, athletes may find it hard to focus on the game, leading to poor performance. Sports anxiety isn’t just frustrating—it can hold athletes back from reaching their full potential. Luckily, there are ways to combat it, and that’s where Launch Sports Performance comes in.

Why Does Sports Anxiety Happen?

There are several reasons why athletes experience sports anxiety. Understanding the causes can be the first step in overcoming it.

Pressure to Succeed

  Athletes often face intense pressure from coaches, teammates, and even themselves. In some cases, the pressure to win or meet certain expectations can become overwhelming. This is especially true for athletes aiming for scholarships, breaking records, or competing at higher levels like college sports.

• Fear of Failure

  Athletes might worry about letting their team down, disappointing their parents, or making mistakes in front of a crowd. The fear of failure can become so strong that it paralyzes the athlete, making it hard for them to focus on the game.

• Perfectionism

  High-achieving athletes may set unrealistically high standards for themselves, expecting nothing short of perfection. When things don’t go exactly as planned, anxiety can set in, leading to frustration and loss of confidence.

External Pressure

  For young athletes, balancing academics, athletics, and social life is challenging enough. When added external pressures, like expectations from recruiters or scouts, come into play, the stress level can increase significantly.

If any of these sound familiar, you’re not alone. Many athletes in the Tulsa area are struggling with similar issues. Fortunately, working with the experts at Launch Sports Performance can help athletes develop the skills they need to manage anxiety and perform better.

Strategies for Overcoming Sports Anxiety

Here are some proven strategies that athletes can use to manage and reduce sports anxiety. At Launch Sports Performance, we focus on personalized coaching to help athletes develop mental toughness and confidence.

• Mental Game Coaching

Mental game coaching is a powerful tool that helps athletes develop strategies to control their thoughts and emotions during high-pressure moments. At Launch Sports Performance, we offer personalized mental coaching sessions that equip athletes with tools like visualization, positive self-talk, and goal setting. By focusing on these skills, athletes learn how to stay calm and confident, even when the stakes are high.

• Visualization

This involves mentally rehearsing successful performance. Athletes at Launch are taught to visualize themselves succeeding—whether it’s making the perfect shot, landing a flawless routine, or executing a strategic play. This technique reduces anxiety by creating a sense of familiarity with success.

• Positive Self-Talk

Anxiety often stems from negative thinking. Phrases like “I’m going to mess up” or “I’m not good enough” can spiral out of control, affecting performance. Through mental coaching, athletes at Launch Sports Performance learn how to replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations such as “I’ve trained for this” or “I can handle this.”

• Pre-Game Routines

A well-structured pre-game routine can be a game-changer for athletes dealing with anxiety. By focusing on consistent, repeatable habits before every game, athletes create a sense of control. This might include specific warm-ups, mental preparation exercises, or even listening to a favorite playlist.

At Launch Sports Performance, we help athletes develop pre-game routines that reduce stress and set them up for success. When athletes follow the same routine, they’re less likely to focus on anxiety and more likely to be in the right mindset to perform.

• Breathing Techniques and Relaxation

When an athlete feels overwhelmed by anxiety, their body reacts with increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and muscle tension. These physical symptoms can make it harder to perform at their best. Learning **breathing techniques** and relaxation exercises can help athletes reduce these symptoms and calm their nerves.

At Launch Sports Performance, athletes are coached on deep breathing exercises, which help lower heart rates and calm the body. This simple but effective technique can be used right before or even during a game to regain focus and control.

• Goal Setting

Setting realistic and achievable goals can shift an athlete’s focus away from anxiety and towards tangible progress. Instead of worrying about the outcome of the game, athletes can concentrate on reaching smaller, manageable goals—like improving their free throw percentage or running faster than their last time.

At Launch Sports Performance, we guide athletes through SMART goal setting(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to keep them motivated and on track.

How Parents Can Support Athletes Dealing with Anxiety

For parents of young athletes, it can be difficult to watch your child struggle with sports anxiety. Here are some ways parents can provide support:

• Encourage Open Communication

Make sure your child feels comfortable talking about their anxiety and struggles. Listen without judgment and offer your support.

• Focus on Effort, Not Just Results

Emphasize the importance of effort, improvement, and enjoying the game, rather than focusing solely on wins or losses.

• Consider Professional Help

Sometimes, athletes need additional support from professionals like sports psychologists or mental game coaches. Launch Sports Performance offers expert mental coaching tailored to your child’s needs.

By working with our team at Launch, athletes receive the guidance and tools they need to overcome performance anxiety, allowing them to enjoy the game again and perform at their full potential.

Conclusion: Why Launch Sports Performance?

Sports anxiety can be a significant hurdle for many athletes in the Tulsa area, but it doesn’t have to hold them back. With the right techniques, mental game coaching, and support from professionals, athletes can overcome their anxiety and unlock their best performance. At Launch Sports Performance, we specialize in helping athletes of all ages develop the mental toughness they need to succeed. 

Don’t let sports anxiety keep your athlete from reaching their full potential. Contact us today to learn how our mental coaching services can help them overcome anxiety and achieve their goals!